The safety of your employees and customers should be a top priority for any business owner. There are a number of steps you can take to bolster the physical security of your commercial space and deter would-be criminals – from CCTV technology to heavy duty door hinges and more. Keep reading for our top tips.
- Install a CCTV Surveillance System
A Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance system is a great way to deter crime and monitor activity inside and outside your business. Place cameras in strategic locations around your property, such as near entry and exit points, and make sure they are clearly visible to deter potential criminals.
- Get an Alarm System
An alarm system is another excellent way to deter crime and protect your business. Make sure the alarm system is visible from the outside so potential criminals know your business is protected. In addition, consider investing in a monitored alarm system so the police can be notified immediately if there is a break-in.
- Use Automatic Door Closers
Automatic door closers are a simple but effective way to enhance security at your business. Not only do they help keep doors closed, but they also make it more difficult for someone to force their way into your commercial space. Bonus tip: invest in heavy duty doors, with sturdy hinges and built-in self-lock mechanisms.
- Install Motion-Activated Lights
Motion-activated lights are a great way to deter crime because they make it more difficult for criminals to operate unseen. Consider placing lights around the perimeter of your property, near entry and exit points, and in other strategic locations.
- Trim shrubbery and trees around your property
Overgrown shrubbery and trees provide hiding places for criminals and can make it more difficult for people to see what’s going on outside your business. Keep bushes trimmed and trees trimmed back so potential criminals have nowhere to hide.
- Use locks on all doors and windows
All doors and windows should be locked when your business is closed. In addition, consider using deadbolts on all exterior doors for added security. If you have windows that can be accessed from the ground, install bars or grates to prevent them from being broken into.
- Have employees check ID before allowing entry
Instituting a “no ID, no entry” policy can help prevent criminals from gaining access to your business illegally. Have employees check IDs at all entrances, and make sure only authorised personnel have access to keys or keycards for employee entryways.
- Keep valuables out of plain sight
Keeping valuables out of plain sight deters thieves from breaking into your business looking for easy targets. Store cash registers in a secure location, such as in a back room or office, and keep high-value items like jewellery or electronics out of view from windows and doors.
H3: Implement some (or all) of these security measures today for peace of mind
By taking these tips on-board, you can rest assured your business is protected against the threat of break-ins and other forms of crime. Good luck and stay safe!
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